First of all Hai there,How are you doing?
As you guys know that I was very Inactive.So I need a help so I've decided to promote My trusted member as a new commander,and he is [CVT]Junellz.Actually I got many names that have a potential to be a good commander but I cant promote them for some reasons.Also [CVT]Tariq_saad has been promoted to CO-leader.Congratulations to all that has been promoted. For those that's not been promoted don't be disappointed,maybe you'll be the next.I also wants to add testing system that need a testers(Maybe I'll add it).And to be honest we need a new skin because our current skin is ugly as fuck.Therefore if you have a suggestion for our skin please dont be shy just comment the skin's id in the space provided.I'll will consider it.the skin must be appropriate with our faction theme.Our faction theme is like a "special squad",so... Thats all from me see you guys around!
Singed,Your commander [CVT]Amir.